Summer 2015 flew by and it was full of travel as we covered much
new ground. This year we celebrated Mom's 70th birthday in the
Mediterranean Sea. In the midst of overwhelming sights, I was constantly and particularly struck by the
pathways beneath our feet, including the stone roads of Pompeii, the
ancient ruins of Greece, 2000+ year old mosaic floors in the Vatican,
courtyards and palaces of emperors in the area of Constantinople- Istanbul, Turkey and also the sinking gravel at the peak of Mt. Vesuvius. Even as we wrapped up our summer in the Colorado Rockies with multiple hikes (my favorite thing!!), we found unfamiliar trails and noticed a new favorite hike to resemble that sinking ground of Mt. Vesuvius... definitely not easy on our aging bodies.
It seems the summer days ended as quickly as they passed. This week teachers in Texas have begun the process of preparing for the 2015-2016 school year. There's always much anticipation as we enter a new school year. Typically, we return to work a week before the students for various professional development days. Still, as the days pass, we await official word of a new group of students for the upcoming year. While the first day of teacher work week is full of excitement and inspiration, the day of class lists is more serious for me. At this time precious babies are given to my care... those who are treading new ground in their young lives with Moms and Dads who are sending their treasured children off for an education, possibly for the first time. I do not take this repsonsibility lightly! Even as I'm helping my oldest daughter with the process of college applications (talk about new ground!) , I remember well the enormity of the decision of where to send her to kindergarten, so important and completely overwhelming that it led to the decision to homeschool her for a few years.
So.... today I got a new class list... such a great blessing! In two days, I will meet this precious group of students at Meet the Teacher. (another favorite thing!!!) The process of covering new ground together this year comes with eagerness, endless possibility, anxiousness (for teacher and students) and hopeful expectations. I am grateful for the Lord's goodness to me as He enables me to do a work I feel created to do. Here's to another wonderful school year with my newest friends!!!